Bill Rasmussen
Books available now!
Sports Junkies Rejoice! The Birth of ESPN
The story about how it all began.
Happy anniversary ESPN!
45 years and still going strong.
September 7, 1979 at 7 pm, ESPN launched with a vigorous and exhilarating spirit that changed the world. We had the first cable network in the world that never went dark. Whew. What a time that was!
Come along with me on my journey and enjoy the ride! Find out all about those early days, what it took to start with nothing and bring the Worldwide Leader in Sports to life in a short 14 months.
Available on Amazon and MyStore, where American entrepreneurs share their products that are made in the USA! [Use the promo code ESPNFounder for great prices on everything you buy on MyStore]
If you’re a fan, If you’re a fan, what you’ll see in the next minutes, hours and days will convince you you’ve gone to sports heaven. . . . See more or Order today.
ESPN: One Giant Leap for Fankind
Bill’s memoir, ESPN: One Giant Leap for Fankind, is also available on MyStore or on Amazon - See more or Order today.
This is the rest of the story. From those thrilling early days right up to today, see what twists and turns I enjoyed in my life.
“Bill Rasmussen is truly the George Washington of ESPN. His accomplishments, however transcend the boundaries of the sports arena into areas beyond our wildest dreams.”
In May 1978, sportscaster and publicist Bill Rasmussen was fired from a job working for the NHL’s New England Whalers in Hartford, Conn.
In August 1978, he and his son Scott conceived a revolutionary television idea while stuck in a traffic jam on Interstate 84 outside of nearby Waterbury.
In September 1979, that idea took to the air as the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, streaming 24 hours of sports, 7 days a week, via satellite from Bristol, Conn.
ESPN has been serving billions of sports fans in more than 200 countries around the world, and Bill’s creativity, ingenuity, and drive to get the job done is the main reason why.
More than 40 years later, Bill faces a different challenge: Parkinson’s disease. But just as he faced numerous obstacles in founding ESPN, he’s confident that they can be overcome with a spirited fight.
About Bill
A life-long entrepreneur and sports fan, Bill Rasmussen’s innovations in advertising, sports and broadcasting are numerous, including the creation of ESPN, the world’s first 24-hour, 7-days-a-week sports television network; the network’s signature program SportsCenter; wall-to-wall coverage of NCAA men’s and women’s regular-season and tournament college basketball coverage; and coverage of the College World Series.
A United States Air Force veteran, Rasmussen received his bachelor’s degree in Economics from DePauw University and his MBA from Rutgers University.
Bill Rasmussen is in high demand as a speaker at exclusive and major events. He is the man for every audience, with a limited number of openings in his schedule.
About Bill
Serial entrepreneur and sports fan, Bill Rasmussen’s innovations in sports and broadcasting include the creation of ESPN; SportsCenter; wall-to-wall coverage of NCAA men’s and women’s regular-season and tournament college basketball coverage; and coverage of the College World Series.
ESPN: One Giant Leap for Fankind gives you the opportunity to walk through sports history with the man who changed it. Order Bill’s memoir today.
So many stories that lead up to the launch of ESPN and many more after it reached the stars. You will enjoy learning something new about sports. You will learn something new about history. You will learn something new about technology. For the sports enthusiast, the Champions are listed for each decade.
A color insert gives the reader a look into Bill’s past, present and future, along with some of the people he admires an appreciates. See what makes him smile and what touches his heart.
Sports Junkies Rejoice! - The Birth of ESPN is the fast paced, first person story of that incredible year of birth. You’ll be fascinated by this behind the scenes look at the people, the plans, the emotions and events that led to the launch of the world’s first around-the-clock all-sports network.
If you pride yourself on knowing everything there is to know about ESPN, you’ll need to own this book to cover all the bases. Do you know about the $9,000 credit card advance, the first advertiser on ESPN, or the cost of ESPN’s first transponder? Or how about - why Bristol? All that and more about the early days of the E.S.P. Network ... the very early days in Sports Junkies Rejoice! - The Birth of ESPN!
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